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Doubled Die Book
Vol. 4: 2009
2009 1c EC DDR-031, 31-R-VIII
Home 2009 EC DDRs (22-42) 2009 EC DDR-030 2009 EC DDR-032
Die Stage Chart
Description: Light spread Northeast as extra log ends to logs # 6 and 8 from the bottom.
Reported by: Marilyn Keeney

Stage B Photos
Wide View of Logs Close-up View of Logs Magnified View of Logs
Die Crack on Roof Die Crack from RM initials Die Chip between upper JL Initials
Notching on TY of LIBERTY Die Cracks in Hair Die Crack on Forehead
Die Stage and Markers Chart
Die Stages and Markers
UVC-2754 DMR-034 Stage A: EDS (unconfirmed)
Stage B: Light die crack on roof above window – MDS
Die crack Southeast from lower RM initials
Die chip between upper JL initials
Light notching on the upper left TY of LIBERTY – MDS
Die crack on forehead
Die cracks in hair
Stage C: LDS (unconfirmed)

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Copyright James Wiles, 2020
Email: jameswiles@sbcglobal.net