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Doubled Die Book
Vol. 4: 2009
2009 1c EC DDR-045, 45-R-VIII
Home 2009 EC DDRs (43-58) 2009 EC DDR-044 2009 EC DDR-046
Die Stage Chart
Description: Medium spread North-Northeast as extra log ends to logs # 7 and 9 from the bottom.
Reported by: Wayne Meyers

Stage B Photos
Wide View of Logs Close-up View of Logs Magnified View of Logs
Die Crack in Hair Die Crack on Forehead
Die Stage and Markers Chart
Die Stages and Markers
UVC-2788 DMR-048 Stage A: EDS (unconfirmed)
Stage B: Reverse is EMDS
Die crack on forehead – EMDS
Die crack in back of hair
Stage C: MDS (unconfirmed)
Stage D: LDS (unconfirmed)

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Copyright James Wiles, 2020
Email: jameswiles@sbcglobal.net