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Doubled Die Book
Vol. 4: 2009
2009 1c FY DDR-027, 27-R-VIII
Home 2009 FY DDRs (22-42) 2009 FY DDR-026 2009 FY DDR-028
Die Stage Chart
Description: Strong spread South as an extra thumb above the index finger and the remnants of an extra and middle finger extending from the ring finger.
Reported by: Matt Dinger

Stage B Photos
Wide View of Left Hand Close-up View of Left Hand Magnified View of Left Hand
Die Chip on Shoulder Die Crack on Left Boot Die Crack on Forehead
Die Stage and Markers Chart
Die Stages and Markers
UVC-2659 DMR-030 Stage A: EDS (unconfirmed)
Stage B: Die chip on shoulder – EMDS
Die crack across the lower Left boot
Die crack on forehead – EMDS
Stage C: MDS (unconfirmed)
Stage D: LDS (unconfirmed)

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Copyright James Wiles, 2020
Email: jameswiles@sbcglobal.net