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Die Variety Book
Vol. 1: 1932-1944
1940-D DDO-004, 4-O-II-C
Home 1940-D DDOs 1940-D DDO-003 1940-D DDO-005
Die Stages
Description: Medium spread on OD of GOD, WE and UST of TRUST.
Reported by: Steve McIntyre

Stage A Photos
19 of Date 4 of Date 0 of Date
Mintmark Positioning
Die Stage and Markers Chart
Die Stages and Markers
UVC-0132 DMR-005 Stage A: Obverse and Reverse are EDS
Stage B: Die crack across bust into field in front and queue behind – MDS
Reverse is MDS
Stage C: LDS (unconfirmed)

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Copyright James Wiles, 2020
Email: jameswiles@sbcglobal.net