VV logo The Washington Quarter
Die Variety Book
Vol. 1: 1932-1944
1941 DDR-006, 6-R-IV
Home 1941 DDRs 1941 DDR-005 1941 DDR-007
Die Stages
Description: Strong doubled beak, arrows, and wreath
Reported by: Unknown

Stage B Photos
Eagle's Beak
Left Talons Talons Right Talons
Left stem Right Stem
Light Die Scratches Southeast from Upper 4 of Date
Stage C Photos
Eagle's Beak
Left Talons Talons Right Talons
Left stem Right Stem
Die Crack down Eagle's Right Wing Die Crack East from Eagle's Head Die Crack through IC of AMERICA
Light Die Scratches Southeast from Upper 4 of Date
Die Crack across Bust Die Crack across Bust Die Crack across Bust
Die Stage and Markers Chart
Die Stages and Markers
UVC-0172 DMR-022 Stage A: EDS (unconfirmed)
Stage B: Reverse is MDS
Two light die scratches Southeast from upper 4 of date – MDS
Stage C: Die crack from back eagle's head to wing – LDS
Die crackdown eagle's Right (viewer's Left) wing
Die crack from S of PLURIBUS to wing extending to rim through IC of AMERICA
Die crack across bust into field in front and through queue – LDS

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Copyright James Wiles, 2020
Email: jameswiles@sbcglobal.net